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About 4E Fitness | Morris Plains, NJ Personal Training Studio
Experienced. Certified. Supportive. Best Personal Trainers.

We are not one of those other gyms in Morris Plains, New Jersey. 4E Fitness is a personal training studio located on bustling Speedwell Avenue that is owned by Enrico Fioranelli. Enrico is a NASM-certified strength and conditioning coach and personal trainer with a degree in exercise physiology from Template University and nearly 20 years of experience in the fitness industry.


What makes 4E Fitness different is that we customize all aspects of our clients' programs to the individual, from the music playing in the studio to the custom-tailored program designed to support the client’s goals, muscle imbalances, and the way the body reacts to specific exercises on a given day. No two clients are the same, and no two workouts will be the same with our unique approach to personal training. 


By subcontracting nutritionists and physical therapists, we are able to get a deeper understanding of exactly what is going on in our clients’ bodies. This degree of understanding empowers us to offer all of our clients a 100% money-back guarantee for their first month of personal training.


Enrico Fioranelli began his fitness career at 16 years old when he worked at a physical therapy clinic. While studying Kinesiology at Temple University, he worked as a strength coach for MMA fighters and as a student athletic trainer for the gymnastics and football teams. He has also worked with 18 NFL players, 8 of whom have become Super Bowl Champions, and 100s of high school students looking to enter the ranks of college athletes.


Throughout his career, he has looked to have the most significant impact that he could in his clients' lives, which is often when he works with someone who is busy, stressed and wants to improve their life. Enrico works to give them control over their health, well-being, and fitness to enable them to be a more confident, more assertive, and enhanced version of themselves. 


Enrico uses a one-of-a-kind approach that truly customizes his program to fit his clients' specific goals and needs. He partners with other health professionals, including physical therapists and chiropractors, to evaluate his clients' bodies to understand the particular needs of his clients. He works with his clients to go through an elimination diet to understand what is going on with the individual's gut health to determine the specific diet that works best for them. During each session, he makes sure to educate his clients on why they are performing an exercise or movement and how it works towards their overall goal. 


Enrico is bringing the fitness industry back to the individual, one client at a time. 

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